Susan B. Hale   -     "This is the first in a series of books to teach kids the 11 Universal Laws & Principles of Success."


Follow Your Dreams is Susan's big debut. What began as an impromptu story for her piano students, slowly blossomed into a  children's book to encourage and empower kids.  She's currently working on her untitled sophomore effort, as the adventures of Pickles the Pig continues!

                                                                                 Endorsed by Michael Bernard Beckwith- author of Life Visioning

"Susan Hale's  "Follow Your Dreams!" not only inspires children to have confidence in their dreams—it also encourages parents to take notice of the innate gifts and talents that just might be their child's calling in life, inviting them to offer encouragement all along the way."

-Excerpt from the best-selling book Follow Your Dreams. 

An inspirational book for the young at heart about dreaming big and the Power of Persistence....Never give up!!

Meet Children's Author Susan B. Hale

         She knew the Fairy Pig mother would say, "Pickles, the sky's the limit! Believe in yourself and you can do anything you really want!   You've got the power....                       Just follow your dreams!!"