We are looking for a new

                   STAR singer for 2024!

    If you'd like to be in a talent search and sing...

                   "When Pigs Fly"

             Please contact us for more info!

       NBC & FOX TV News Clips - Albany, New York

Pickles and The Pigalettes singing "When Pigs Fly"!

Susan B. Hale   -     "This is the first in a series of books to teach kids the 11 Universal Laws & Principles of Success."


 An inspirational book for the young at heart about dreaming big and the Power of Persistence....Never give up!!

Her best friends Peaches and Penny love it and encourage Pickles to sing "When Pigs Fly" for the talent show at school. Despite all of her brothers' bullying...Pickles wins!

                    TALENT SEARCH !!

Pickles is constantly put down by her 4 very mean brothers....

One day she sees a ball of light and starts singing a song called "When Pigs Fly"... about her dreams to succeed.